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Returns one or more Tweets, or a Tweet conversation.


Tweet (Default)

Get-Tweet [-Id] <String[]> [-NonPublicMetrics] [-PromotedMetrics] [-OrganicMetrics] [-IncludeExpansions] [<CommonParameters>]


Get-Tweet [-ConversationId] <String> [-NonPublicMetrics] [-PromotedMetrics] [-OrganicMetrics] [-IncludeExpansions] [<CommonParameters>]


Returns one or more Tweets, or a Tweet conversation.


Example 1

PS >  Get-Tweet -Id 1306447142052155394
Id                 : 1306447142052155394
Text               : In the #PSConfBook, Vol 3, you'll find 22 chapters containing great information on using #PowerShell for systems management, in #DevOps practices, and some tips and tricks.

                     Slide to the right to increase your support of @DevOpsOrg #OnRampScholarships.

Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 292670084
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1306447142052155394
CreatedAt          : 9/17/2020 4:17:25 AM
Entities           : {#PSConfBook, #PowerShell, #DevOps, #OnRampScholarships…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    :
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 9, ReplyCount: 0, LikeCount: 11, QuoteCount: 2
ReferencedTweets   :
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : Twitter for iPhone
Withheld           :

Returns the Tweet specified by the Id.

Example 2

PS >  Get-Tweet -Id 1306447142052155394 -IncludeExpansions
Id                 : 1306447142052155394
Text               : In the #PSConfBook, Vol 3, you'll find 22 chapters containing great information on using #PowerShell for systems management, in #DevOps practices, and some tips and tricks.

                     Slide to the right to increase your support of @DevOpsOrg #OnRampScholarships.

Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 292670084
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1306447142052155394
CreatedAt          : 9/17/2020 4:17:25 AM
Entities           : {#PSConfBook, #PowerShell, #DevOps, #OnRampScholarships…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    :
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 9, ReplyCount: 0, LikeCount: 11, QuoteCount: 2
ReferencedTweets   :
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : Twitter for iPhone
Withheld           :

Id              : 292670084
Name            : Dave Carroll
UserName        : thedavecarroll
CreatedAt       : 5/4/2011 1:22:46 AM
Description     : Married to an amazing woman. #PowerShell #Blogger #RushTheBand #RetroComputing #Puns #Doggos #Tech #StarTrek #INTJ
Entities        : {,}
Location        : Nashville, TN
PinnedTweetId   : 1385709814890864648
ProfileImageUrl :
Protected       : False
PublicMetrics   : FollowersCount: 945, FollowingCount: 1653, ListedCount: 27, TweetCount: 6470
Url             :
Verified        : False
Withheld        :

Id              : 4705903393
Name            : DevOps Collective
UserName        : DevOpsOrg
CreatedAt       : 1/3/2016 11:29:09 PM
Description     : Education and more for the Ops side of the DevOps world
Entities        : {}
Location        :
PinnedTweetId   :
ProfileImageUrl :
Protected       : False
PublicMetrics   : FollowersCount: 692, FollowingCount: 19, ListedCount: 5, TweetCount: 137
Url             :
Verified        : False
Withheld        :

Returns the Tweet specified by the Id and include any expansions.

Example 3

PS >  Get-Tweet -ConversationId 1398279333823791104
Id                 : 1398279333823791104
Text               : For today's #PowerShell #PSFollowFriday, I've pulled a random sample from @adouwes's Twitter List, Powershell.

                     @Steve_MSFT @JeremyMurrah @BrettMiller_IT @Jaap_Brasser @sydneysmithreal @PowerShellMag @devblackops @thenextdotnet @MikeShepard70 @nohwnd
Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 292670084
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1398279333823791104
CreatedAt          : 5/28/2021 2:05:46 PM
Entities           : {Product: Twitter, #PowerShell, #PSFollowFriday, @adouwes…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    :
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 4, ReplyCount: 1, LikeCount: 6, QuoteCount: 0
ReferencedTweets   :
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : BluebirdPS
Withheld           :

Id                 : 1398314780088180737
Text               : @thedavecarroll @adouwes @Steve_MSFT @JeremyMurrah @BrettMiller_IT @Jaap_Brasser @sydneysmithreal @PowerShellMag @devblackops @thenextdotnet @MikeShepard70 @nohwnd @TwitterAPI @juneb_get_help That is great guidance. I also like having the last one of them be my copy/paste ready example for how I use it most.
Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 22186737
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1398279333823791104
CreatedAt          : 5/28/2021 4:26:37 PM
Entities           : {@thedavecarroll, @adouwes, @Steve_MSFT, @JeremyMurrah…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    : 292670084
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 0, ReplyCount: 0, LikeCount: 1, QuoteCount: 0
ReferencedTweets   : {1398295097490477059}
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : Twitter for Android
Withheld           :

Id                 : 1398298293839532036
Text               : @thedavecarroll @adouwes @Steve_MSFT @JeremyMurrah @BrettMiller_IT @Jaap_Brasser @sydneysmithreal @PowerShellMag @devblackops @thenextdotnet @MikeShepard70 @nohwnd @TwitterAPI @juneb_get_help St June's advice is always good.
Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 14150382
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1398279333823791104
CreatedAt          : 5/28/2021 3:21:07 PM
Entities           : {@thedavecarroll, @adouwes, @Steve_MSFT, @JeremyMurrah…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    : 292670084
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 0, ReplyCount: 0, LikeCount: 1, QuoteCount: 0
ReferencedTweets   : {1398295097490477059}
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : TweetDeck
Withheld           :

Id                 : 1398295097490477059
Text               : @adouwes @Steve_MSFT @JeremyMurrah @BrettMiller_IT @Jaap_Brasser @sydneysmithreal @PowerShellMag @devblackops @thenextdotnet @MikeShepard70 @nohwnd @TwitterAPI When writing #PowerShell command documenation, I try to follow @juneb_get_help's suggestions (see This has the benefit of validating the commands, and I've had to track down some bugs discovered.
Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 292670084
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1398279333823791104
CreatedAt          : 5/28/2021 3:08:24 PM
Entities           : {#PowerShell, @adouwes, @Steve_MSFT, @JeremyMurrah…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    : 292670084
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 2, ReplyCount: 2, LikeCount: 7, QuoteCount: 1
ReferencedTweets   : {1398284726721564679}
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : BluebirdPS
Withheld           :

Id                 : 1398284726721564679
Text               : @adouwes @Steve_MSFT @JeremyMurrah @BrettMiller_IT @Jaap_Brasser @sydneysmithreal @PowerShellMag @devblackops @thenextdotnet @MikeShepard70 @nohwnd Here is the function that I'm using to generate the #PSFollowFriday list, It requires the upcoming #BluebirdPS 0.5.0 release. I'm finalizing the documentation; with 62 public commands and support for the @TwitterAPI V2, there's a lot to write!
Attachments        :
AuthorId           : 292670084
ContextAnnotations :
ConversationId     : 1398279333823791104
CreatedAt          : 5/28/2021 2:27:12 PM
Entities           : {#PSFollowFriday, #BluebirdPS, @adouwes, @Steve_MSFT…}
Geo                :
InReplyToUserId    : 292670084
Language           : en
NonPublicMetrics   :
OrganicMetrics     :
PossiblySensitive  : False
PromotedMetrics    :
PublicMetrics      : RetweetCount: 0, ReplyCount: 1, LikeCount: 1, QuoteCount: 0
ReferencedTweets   : {1398279333823791104}
ReplySettings      : Everyone
Source             : BluebirdPS
Withheld           :

Searches for Tweets with the specified ConversationId.



One or more Tweet id's to return.

Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: Tweet

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The id of the Tweet that initiated the conversation you wish to retrieve.

You will be notified if you attempt to retrieve a conversation that started more than 7 days ago.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Conversation

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Include additional data objects, such as the Tweet author's user, mentioned users, media, poll, and more.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Include non-public engagement metrics for the Tweet at the time of the request.

NonPublic metrics include ImpressionCount, UrlLinkClicks, and UserProfileClicks.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Include engagement metrics, tracked in an organic context, for the Tweet at the time of the request.

OrganicMetrics include ImpressionCount, LikeCount, ReplyCount, RetweetCount, UrlLinkClicks, and UserProfileClicks.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Include engagement metrics, tracked in a promoted context, for the Tweet at the time of the request.

PromotedMetrics include ImpressionCount, LikeCount, ReplyCount, RetweetCount, UrlLinkClicks, and UserProfileClicks.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.







Online Version

Api Reference - Conversation Id

Api Reference - GET /2/tweets/:id

Api Reference - GET /2/tweets

Api Reference - GET /2/tweets/search/recent