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Short Description

The BluebirdPS module includes a class called [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest] which can be used in conjunction with Invoke-TwitterRequest to make ad hoc calls against the Twitter API.

Long Description

Using [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest] will allow the user to craft requests for the Twitter API. The Invoke-TwitterRequest command performs all of the processing.

Any API response that matches existing definitions will return rich objects specific to the data returned. Otherwise, the raw API response will be returned.

Academic Research Track

If your application for the Application Research track has been approved, you should be able to use the method described herein to makes requests against the search/recent/all endpoint.

Streams Not Supported

The command Invoke-TwitterRequest uses Invoke-RestMethod which does not support response streams.

You cannot use this module to consume any stream endpoints, such as
/2/tweets/sample/stream or /2/tweets/search/stream.


Enable RawOutput in configuration.

Set-BluebirdPSConfiguration -RawOutput $true

Update Profile URL

$Request = [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest]@{
    HttpMethod = 'POST'
    Endpoint = ''
    Query = @{ url = '' }

Invoke-TwitterRequest -RequestParameters $Request

Get Blocked Users

$Request = [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest]@{
    Endpoint = ''

Invoke-TwitterRequest -RequestParameters $Request

BluebirdPS already supports this endpoint, returning only the usernames.




